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  • New CitymapperDirectionsViewController provides pre-made UI for turn-by-turn navigation on walk, bike and scooter routes
    Note: other types of routes are not yet supported in CitymapperDirectionsView
  • Transit Routes now provide "best boarding sections"


  • ApiResult now provides more information about failures. E.g. when planning routes, it's possible to see whether a failure was due to a network connection issue, or because the given start and end were outside Citymapper's coverage area
  • routeProgressDelegate and guidanceEventDelegate on CitymapperNavigationTracking have been deprecated. Use the new addRouteProgressObserver() and addGuidanceEventObserver() methods instead
  • The Instruction.type and Instruction.typeDirection fields now return enums. Note that the possible values of these enums may still be refined in future


  • Fixed "Turn Preview" guidance events being fired when no longer relevant in some circumstances
  • Fixed "Depart" guidance events being fired when no longer relevant in some circumstances