Package com.citymapper.sdk.core.transit


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class AncestorResultIdentifier constructor(signature: Signature, token: String)

Identifies the ancestor result for a Route. Two Routes have the same identifier if they are descendants from the same original routing result, even if they now have different signatures. This allows treating updates to a Route (for example, due to re-routing events) as the "same" route from a user-facing point of view

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enum BoardingSection : Enum<BoardingSection>
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data class Brand(id: String, images: ImageResources<BrandImageResource>, name: String?)
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data class BrandImageResource(uiRole: BrandUiRole, dimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions, @Size(min = 1) pixelRatioVariants: List<ImageResource.PixelRatioVariant>, hasSpaceForText: Boolean, isGeneric: Boolean, isDropoff: Boolean, lowCapacity: Boolean) : ImageResource<BrandUiRole>
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enum BrandUiRole : Enum<BrandUiRole>
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sealed class Departure
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enum DepartureAvailability : Enum<DepartureAvailability>
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data class DirectionsResults(routes: List<Route>)
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enum DurationAccuracy : Enum<DurationAccuracy>
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data class Frequency(min: Duration, max: Duration, startTime: Date?, endTime: Date?)
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data class FrequencyDeparture(serviceId: ServiceId?, headsign: String?, shortName: String?, platformShortName: String?, frequency: Frequency) : Departure
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interface HasInstructions
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interface HasPathAnnotations
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interface HasService
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data class HiredVehicleLeg(distance: Distance, travelDuration: Duration?, vehicleType: VehicleType, service: Service, instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>?, pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>?, path: PathGeometry, vehiclePickupOptions: List<VehiclePickupOption>, vehicleDropoffOptions: List<VehicleDropoffOption>) : SelfPilotedLeg, HasService

A leg where the user drives or rides a vehicle which they hire at the start of the leg, represented by the service.

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data class HireVehicle(coords: Coords, name: String?, serviceId: String, propulsionType: PropulsionType?, currentRangeMeters: Int?, currentFuelPercent: Float?)
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data class HireVehicleStation(coords: Coords, name: String?, serviceId: String?, numberOfVehiclesAvailable: Int?, numberOfDocksAvailable: Int?)
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interface ImageResource<UiRole : Enum<*>>
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data class ImageResources<T : ImageResource<*>>(allImages: List<T>)
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data class Instruction(pathIndex: Int, location: Coords, descriptionText: String, descriptionFormat: String?, descriptionFormatReplacements: List<InstructionDescriptionFormatReplacement>?, type: InstructionType?, typeDirection: InstructionDirection?, bearingBefore: Float, bearingAfter: Float)
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sealed class InstructionDirection
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data class InstructionSegment(distance: Distance, duration: Duration?, endInstruction: Instruction, startPathIndex: Int, containingLegPath: PathGeometry)
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sealed class InstructionType
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sealed class Leg

A Leg represents a section of a Route traversed using a single mode of travel

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data class LegStop(id: StopId, name: String, coordinates: Coords, indicatorText: String?, serviceChange: ServiceChange?)
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object NoDeparture : Departure
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data class OwnVehicleLeg(distance: Distance, travelDuration: Duration?, vehicleType: VehicleType, instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>?, pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>?, path: PathGeometry) : SelfPilotedLeg

A leg where the user drives or rides a vehicle of their own

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data class PathAnnotation(startIndex: Int, endIndex: Int, shouldWalk: Boolean?)
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data class Price(formatted: String, amount: String?, currency: String?)
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data class Profile(id: String)
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data class ProfileDetail(profile: Profile, localizedName: String)
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enum PropulsionType : Enum<PropulsionType>
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data class Route(signature: Signature, ancestorResult: AncestorResultIdentifier, legs: List<Leg>, start: Waypoint, end: Waypoint, profileDetail: ProfileDetail?, duration: Duration?, durationAccuracy: DurationAccuracy, price: Price?, departureTime: Date?, arrivalTime: Date?)
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sealed class SelfPilotedLeg : VehicleLeg, HasInstructions, HasPathAnnotations

A leg where the user drives or rides a vehicle themselves e.g. e-scooters, bicycles, motor scooters, private automobiles

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data class Service(id: ServiceId, name: String, vehicleType: VehicleType, brand: Brand?, images: ImageResources<ServiceImageResource>, @ColorInt color: Int?, @ColorInt backgroundColor: Int?, textColor: String?)
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data class ServiceChange(service: Service, headsign: String?)
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typealias ServiceId = String
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data class ServiceImageResource(uiRole: ServiceUiRole, dimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions, @Size(min = 1) pixelRatioVariants: List<ImageResource.PixelRatioVariant>, replacesName: Boolean) : ImageResource<ServiceUiRole>
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data class ServiceStatus(severity: Severity, title: String, description: String?, stopRanges: List<StopRange>?, serviceIds: List<ServiceId>) : Status
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enum ServiceUiRole : Enum<ServiceUiRole>
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enum Severity : Enum<Severity>
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interface Signature
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data class StationWalkDetails(duration: Duration, recommendedExitName: String?)
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enum StationWalkType : Enum<StationWalkType>
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sealed class Status
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typealias StopId = String
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data class StopRange(startId: StopId, endId: StopId)
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data class StopStatus(severity: Severity, title: String, description: String?, stopIds: List<StopId>) : Status
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enum TimeStatus : Enum<TimeStatus>
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data class TransitLeg(distance: Distance, path: PathGeometry, fallbackDuration: Duration?, stops: List<LegStop>, departure: Departure, allServiceOptions: List<Service>, allDepartureOptions: List<Departure>, statuses: List<Status>?, legDepartureTime: Date?, legArrivalTime: Date?, directionDescription: String?, bestBoardingSections: List<BoardingSection>?) : VehicleLeg, HasService

A leg of a Journey involving taking transit. This leg usually represents a specific departure, but may include some information about alternative routes which may be taken.

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data class VehicleDeparture(serviceId: ServiceId, headsign: String?, shortName: String?, timeName: String?, platformShortName: String?, scheduledTime: Date?, liveTime: Date?, isLive: Boolean, timeStatus: TimeStatus?) : Departure
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sealed class VehicleDropoffOption
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sealed class VehicleLeg : Leg

A leg which involves using a vehicle to travel

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sealed class VehiclePickupOption
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enum VehicleType : Enum<VehicleType>
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data class WalkLeg(distance: Distance, travelDuration: Duration?, instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>?, pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>?, path: PathGeometry, stationWalkType: StationWalkType, walkDetailsEnterStation: StationWalkDetails?, walkDetailsExitStation: StationWalkDetails?) : Leg, HasInstructions, HasPathAnnotations

A walking leg

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data class Waypoint(coordinates: Coords)


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fun Route.firstLegWithService(): Leg?
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fun Route.firstVehicleLeg(): Leg?
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fun <UiRole : Enum<*>, T : ImageResource<UiRole>> ImageResources<T>.forRole(uiRole: UiRole, desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null, filterBy: (T) -> Boolean? = null, preferBy: (T) -> Boolean? = null): T?

Retrieve an image asset for the specified criteria

fun ImageResources<BrandImageResource>.forRole(uiRole: BrandUiRole, needsSpaceForText: Boolean? = null, desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null, isDropoffPlace: Boolean = false, lowCapacity: Boolean = false): BrandImageResource?

Retrieve a brand image asset for the specified criteria

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inline fun <T : Leg> Route.getFirstLegOfType(): T?
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fun Route.hasUnlockableVehicle(): Boolean
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fun Leg.isSelfPiloted(): Boolean
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fun Severity.isTravelAffectedOrPrevented(): Boolean
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fun Leg.isWalk(): Boolean
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fun ImageResources<ServiceImageResource>.serviceImage(desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null): ServiceImageResource?

Retrieve a service image asset for the specified criteria


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val Instruction.isArrive: Boolean
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val Instruction.isDepart: Boolean