
data class ImageResources<T : ImageResource<*>>(allImages: List<T>)


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val allImages: List<T>


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fun <UiRole : Enum<*>, T : ImageResource<UiRole>> ImageResources<T>.forRole(uiRole: UiRole, desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null, filterBy: (T) -> Boolean? = null, preferBy: (T) -> Boolean? = null): T?

Retrieve an image asset for the specified criteria

fun ImageResources<BrandImageResource>.forRole(uiRole: BrandUiRole, needsSpaceForText: Boolean? = null, desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null, isDropoffPlace: Boolean = false, lowCapacity: Boolean = false): BrandImageResource?

Retrieve a brand image asset for the specified criteria

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fun ImageResources<ServiceImageResource>.serviceImage(desiredDimensions: ImageResource.Dimensions? = null): ServiceImageResource?

Retrieve a service image asset for the specified criteria