
data class TransitLeg(distance: Distance, path: PathGeometry, fallbackDuration: Duration?, stops: List<LegStop>, departure: Departure, allServiceOptions: List<Service>, allDepartureOptions: List<Departure>, statuses: List<Status>?, legDepartureTime: Date?, legArrivalTime: Date?, directionDescription: String?, bestBoardingSections: List<BoardingSection>?) : VehicleLeg, HasService

A leg of a Journey involving taking transit. This leg usually represents a specific departure, but may include some information about alternative routes which may be taken.

Only in the case that the departure is a FrequencyDeparture, it may represent an average headway which includes all alternative routes.


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fun TransitLeg(distance: Distance, path: PathGeometry, fallbackDuration: Duration?, stops: List<LegStop>, departure: Departure, allServiceOptions: List<Service>, allDepartureOptions: List<Departure>, statuses: List<Status>?, legDepartureTime: Date?, legArrivalTime: Date?, directionDescription: String?, bestBoardingSections: List<BoardingSection>?)


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val allDepartureOptions: List<Departure>
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val allServiceOptions: List<Service>
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val bestBoardingSections: List<BoardingSection>?
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val departure: Departure
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val directionDescription: String?
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open override val distance: Distance

The total distance along the path of this leg

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val distanceMeters: Double
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val fallbackDuration: Duration?
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val legArrivalTime: Date?
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val legDepartureTime: Date?
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open override val path: PathGeometry

The geographic path this leg traverses

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open override val service: Service

The service which the vehicle used to complete this leg belongs to

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val statuses: List<Status>?
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val stops: List<LegStop>
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open override val travelDuration: Duration?

The time it should take to traverse the path of this leg. This does not include any time spent waiting or boarding at the start of the leg

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val travelDurationSeconds: Int?
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open override val vehicleType: VehicleType