
enum VehicleType : Enum<VehicleType>


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Electric buses powered by overhead wires

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A regional variation of Tram

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Rail vehicles that generally run on streets above ground, and use overhead wires

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A regional variation of Tram

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A regional variation of Metro

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Generic rail-based vehicles (generally this is a fallback for more specific Vehicle Types)

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Seated scooters

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There's nothin' on Earth like a genuine bona-fide electrified six-car monorail!

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Urban rail vehicles that generally run underground at high service frequencies

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A regional variation of Tram, less likely to run on streets

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Helicopter transportation services

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Vehicles that are suspended from cables

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Cable-driven counterbalanced rail vehicles that travel up steep slopes

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Water-based vehicles

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Battery powered e-scooters that the rider stands on

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Bicycles with battery-powered assistance

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Buses with limited stops, sometimes has stations where the rider pays before boarding

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Generic buses that run on streets or bus lanes

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Generic bicycles


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val name: String
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val ordinal: Int