
data class WalkLeg(distance: Distance, travelDuration: Duration?, instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>?, pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>?, path: PathGeometry, stationWalkType: StationWalkType, walkDetailsEnterStation: StationWalkDetails?, walkDetailsExitStation: StationWalkDetails?) : Leg, HasInstructions, HasPathAnnotations

A walking leg


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fun WalkLeg(distance: Distance, travelDuration: Duration?, instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>? = null, pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>? = null, path: PathGeometry, stationWalkType: StationWalkType = StationWalkType.OutsideStation, walkDetailsEnterStation: StationWalkDetails? = null, walkDetailsExitStation: StationWalkDetails? = null)


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open override val distance: Distance

The total distance along the path of this leg

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val distanceMeters: Double
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open override val instructionSegments: List<InstructionSegment>? = null

A list of turn-by-turn instructions where the user needs to navigate along this leg. Each segment represents a consecutive part of the path

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val outOfStationWalkDuration: Duration?
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open override val path: PathGeometry

The geographic path this leg traverses

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open override val pathAnnotations: List<PathAnnotation>? = null

Extra metadata about sections of the path. For instance, in Legs with travel_mode of self_piloted, these annotations can indicate sections of the path where the user should dismount their vehicle and walk

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val stationWalkType: StationWalkType
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open override val travelDuration: Duration?

The time it should take to traverse the path of this leg. This does not include any time spent waiting or boarding at the start of the leg

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val travelDurationSeconds: Int?
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val walkDetailsEnterStation: StationWalkDetails? = null
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val walkDetailsExitStation: StationWalkDetails? = null