
data class Route(signature: Signature, ancestorResult: AncestorResultIdentifier, legs: List<Leg>, start: Waypoint, end: Waypoint, profileDetail: ProfileDetail?, duration: Duration?, durationAccuracy: DurationAccuracy, price: Price?, departureTime: Date?, arrivalTime: Date?)


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val ancestorResult: AncestorResultIdentifier

Identifies the ancestor result for a Route. Two Routes have the same identifier if they are descendants from the same original routing result, even if they now have different signatures. This allows treating updates to a Route (for example, due to re-routing events) as the "same" route from a user-facing point of view

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val arrivalTime: Date? = null
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val departureTime: Date? = null
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val duration: Duration? = null
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val durationAccuracy: DurationAccuracy
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val end: Waypoint
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val legs: List<Leg>
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val price: Price? = null
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val profile: Profile?
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val profileDetail: ProfileDetail?
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val seedSignature: Signature

When a Route is re-planned, the the resulting Route will have a different signature. This will hold the signature of the Route that is the oldest ancestor of this one.

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val signature: Signature

The signature uniquely identifies this route.

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val start: Waypoint


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fun Route.firstLegWithService(): Leg?
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fun Route.firstVehicleLeg(): Leg?
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inline fun <T : Leg> Route.getFirstLegOfType(): T?
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fun Route.getPathSegments(): PathGeometrySegments
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fun Route.hasUnlockableVehicle(): Boolean