
data class RouteProgress


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fun RouteProgress(route: Route, legProgress: LegProgress?, isArrived: Boolean, navigationSessionId: String?, pathGeometrySegments: PathGeometrySegments)


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val distanceMetersRemaining: Double?
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val distanceRemaining: Distance?
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val durationRemaining: Duration?
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val durationSecondsRemaining: Int?
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val isArrived: Boolean

If true, the route has been completed by the user. The SDK will provide no further guidance events.

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val isNavigating: Boolean

true if this RouteProgress represent the state of the active navigation session.

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val legProgress: LegProgress?

Progress along the leg of the route that the user is currently on. May be null in cases where we do not yet have a confident prediction of the user's current location

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val navigationSessionId: String?

An internal identifier representing the active navigation session (if this RouteProgress represents the state of the active navigation).

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val pathGeometrySegments: PathGeometrySegments

The path geometry of the route broken down in to segments of the same travel mode and progress type (past or future) for easier rendering.

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val route: Route

The entire route the user is currently travelling along