
data class LegProgress(legIndex: Int, leg: Leg, distanceRemaining: Distance, durationRemaining: Duration?, fractionAlongLegDistance: Float, nextInstructionProgress: InstructionProgress?)


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val distanceMetersRemaining: Float

The distance in meters remaining along the current leg's path

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val distanceRemaining: Distance

The distance remaining along the current leg's path

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val durationRemaining: Duration?

The estimated time until reaching the end of the current leg

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val durationSecondsRemaining: Int?

The estimated seconds until reaching the end of the current leg

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val fractionAlongLegDistance: Float

The fraction travelled so far along the entire distance of the current leg's path

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val leg: Leg

The leg object at legIndex in the active route

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val legIndex: Int

The index of the leg in the route the user is currently on

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val nextInstructionProgress: InstructionProgress?

Progress towards the upcoming instruction on the current leg

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val remainingInstructionSegmentsAfterNext: List<InstructionSegment>?

A convenience property for getting the list of remaining instructions in this leg beyond the upcoming one. This might be used e.g. in an expanded UI after interacting with the upcoming instruction view, displaying the list of all incomplete instructions