
data class CoordsBounds(latNorth: Double, lonEast: Double, latSouth: Double, lonWest: Double)

A geographical area representing a latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.


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fun CoordsBounds(latNorth: Double, lonEast: Double, latSouth: Double, lonWest: Double)


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class Builder

Builder for composing LatLngBounds objects.

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object Companion


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operator fun contains(point: Coords): Boolean

Determines whether this LatLngBounds contains a point

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fun including(point: Coords): CoordsBounds
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fun intersect(bounds: CoordsBounds): CoordsBounds?

Returns a new LatLngBounds that is the intersection of this with another box

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open override fun toString(): String
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fun union(bounds: CoordsBounds): CoordsBounds

Returns a new LatLngBounds that stretches to contain both this and another LatLngBounds.


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val center: Coords

Calculates the center point of this LatLngBounds by simple interpolation and returns it as a point. This is a non-geodesic calculation which is not the geographic center.

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val isEmptySpan: Boolean

Validate if LatLngBounds is empty, determined if absolute distance is

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val latitudeSpan: Double

Get the absolute distance, in degrees, between the north and south boundaries of this LatLngBounds

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val latNorth: Double
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val latSouth: Double
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val lonEast: Double
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val longitudeSpan: Double

Get the absolute distance, in degrees, between the west and east boundaries of this LatLngBounds

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val lonWest: Double
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val northeast: Coords
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val southwest: Coords